A peace that is unpierceable was given when His hands were pierced through. A promise that is unbreakable was sealed when He walked out of the tomb.
. . . persecuted, but not forsaken; . . . afflicted . . . , but not crushed.
Because of His sacrifice— Resurrected What then was death Has now become life.
Birthed into a living hope And an inheritance that can never perish. By the grace of His abundance and the mercy of His favor.
. . . persecuted, but not forsaken; . . . afflicted . . . , but not crushed.
By the power of His might— Resurrected What then was death Has now become life.
Predestined, to be conformed to the image of His Son Sanctified, by the washing of water with the word Justified, by His grace through the redemption Glorified, by His only begotten’s crucifixion
. . . persecuted, but not forsaken; . . . afflicted . . . , but not crushed.
Through the obedience of Christ— Resurrected What then was death Has now become life.
-- Wendolynn L. Allen © 2004 |